About Kate Dolk-Ellis

I love the complex colors you get from natural dyes, and I love the process of working closely with the natural world. I’ve become a keen observer of the growth cycle of plants. My studio practice follows the seasons. In the spring I’m starting seeds and preparing the garden and preparing my studio for a new year as well. I work in my outdoor dye shop all summer long, and in autumn it’s time to bring in the harvest and collect and organized the fabrics I have printed that year. In the winter I turn to sewing the fabrics into wall hangings or functional art.

I am a fiber artist who specializes in natural dyes and sustainable practices. I create wall hangings, bandanas, silk scarves, and fabric collages. I went to art school and received a BFA and MFA degree from Indiana University. Over the past six years or so I've taken professional development workshops in natural dye techniques and have studied with internationally known artists; including Roland Ricketts, Michael Garcia, Catherine Ellis, Kathy Hattori, and Joan Morris.